
A log of what I've been up to lately, periodically updated

September 2024

I left Braze in March, after ten years working there. So for the past six months, I have been on a sabbatical.

After a decade working full-time, this has been a welcome change of pace and an opportunity for exploration. I've read a bunch of good books, baked lots of sourdough, and fallen down various programming rabbit holes. On the coding side of things, it's been great to try out some technologies that I hadn't previously built with, like htmx and axum. Running, lifting weights, and rock climbing more regularly has also been really nice.

I've been traveling a bit - to Singapore and Australia 1 Specifically, to Perth, Port Fairy, Melbourne, and Sydney. on my honeymoon in March - and to Rockland, Maine and Bloomington, Indiana over the summer to see some friends and family. And while I am still quite far from being a capable Spanish speaker, I now know about 1,500 commonly-used words and some basic grammar.

Recently, at the end of August, I made the decision to look for another job when this sabbatical ends, rather than trying to found a company. So, I've started to take some preparatory steps for the eventual job hunt, like redesigning this website and daily coding interview practice.